This big fella is awesome. Great dog that has the typical Labrador drive for food, which means he’s always up for some training!
We were originally called to help because he wasn’t recalling, but when we have dug deeper, it’s because he is running over to other dogs that make him anxious.
Removing that anxiety is now our goal, if we sort that then there is no need to recall from running to other dogs.
We started by developing the relationship that Lenin has with his owners. This involves basic training and confidence building, such as teaching him to walk nicely on the lead and being calm outside, focusing on his owners more and building some impulse control.
Lenin was neutered last week which means he’s off walks for a few weeks. This is a great opportunity to build foundations with no distractions before taking the training outside.
We will be back soon for our next session and to further the training.
Well done so far Lenin and co!
If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE.