If you know me (Nathan, hi), you’ll know I’m a massive border collie lover. They’re just awesome. Often though, their high drive, misplaced chase instinct, and biting part of their predatory motor pattern, isn’t ideal.
Willow and Zia are no exception to this, Willow lunges at cars and things with wheels, whereas Zia reacts at other dogs, bikes, and children.
I’ve met Willow before, she completed our recall course a few months ago where she did great.
We started both dogs off by teaching them to focus on their guardian and walk nicely on a lead, then taught a marker cue to both so we can grab their attention and start pairing these triggers with stuff they like and focusing on their guardian-type behaviour.
They both learn very differently and we had to use different techniques for both dogs, which was a little frustrating and will mean they’re a little more difficult to put back together on walks, but not too much of an issue.
Zia even saw a few dogs and didn’t react when she usually would, which was awesome.
Both dogs did awesomely and will be sorted in no time!
Well done Willow, Zia, and family!
If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE.