Denise was back in Washington working with the Cockerpoos Luna & Polly(well working with Luna, Polly has just seen the shot opportunity.

Luna's initial problem was whining/barking/sounding like she was being abused whenever her owners separated on walks and one walked ahead.
It turns out the reason was she had a fear of missing out and always wanted to be the dog in front, she also had issues controlling her excitement which sometimes overspilled.
Since Lunas so food motivated we went back to basics and rewarding loose lead walking, this helped keep her motivation to stay with the owner instead of pulling in front
We also created a game to catch up so instead of barking in frustration they can use it to catch up without the overspilling of excitement.
We've set their owners some homework using the heel and catch up so they can ultimately be able to walk her no matter who's in front or how far away they are.
If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE.